How Public Speaking Can Improve Students’ Self-esteem

Public speaking can be a daunting task for anyone, let alone middle school students. But besides being part of our Language Arts standards, there are many personal benefits that our students gain by speaking in front of their peers. By learning to step outside their comfort zones, build trust among their classmates, and find their voice, students can improve their self-esteem.

Some students may be shy or introverted, and public speaking can be a great way for them to practice stepping outside their comfort zone. It can be helpful for them to start with small groups or even just one other person before moving on to larger groups. My students practice their public-speaking skills with silly games before we move to formal speeches so their confidence can grow slowly bure surely as they prepare what they want to say.

Additionally, giving students the opportunity to present in front of their peers can help build trust among classmates. When students see that they can rely on each other for support, it can go a long way in improving their self-esteem. When I think back to my college years, I remember the classmates from my public-speaking class much more than those from some of my other classes. We built a community of trust, and the same can happen in our middle-school classrooms.

Ultimately, public speaking can be a great way for students to find their voice. When they feel confident and comfortable expressing themselves, it can help boost their self-esteem as they begin to communicate about the issues that are important to them. If you can, try to weave in public-speaking opportunities within your regular ELA activities whenever you can. You might be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your students!


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