Creating the Perfect Ambiance for Writing Essays in Your Middle School Classroom

You know how it is - you're trying to get your students to focus on writing their essays, but they just can't seem to stay on task. It happens to the best of us! Even I have a hard time sitting down to write sometimes.

The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to make the writing process a little less overwhelming. By creating the right atmosphere in your classroom, you can make it easier for your students to stay focused and get those essays written.

Here are a few tips for creating the perfect ambiance for writing essays in your middle school classroom:

1. Tweak the lighting. If your classroom is too bright, it can be harder for students to concentrate. I’m not sure why seventh-graders still think it’s funny to make faces across the room at each other, but we all know they do. Conversely, if it's too dark, kids can start to feel drowsy—and that might be worse! Try to find a balance between the two by dimming the overhead lights and adding some desk lamps or Christmas lights.

2. Choose the right music. Music can be a great way to help students focus, but it's important to choose the right kind. I try to avoid anything with lyrics or even instrumental songs that will make my students think about lyrics. Instead, opt for instrumental music or white noise. “Spa” stations on Pandora or Spotify are perfect.

3. Arrange the desks in a way that encourages focus. If you have your desks arranged in a u-shape, maybe it’s time to have the kids turn around and face out. The same could work for a circle. Play around with seating arrangements that allow you to see what your students are working on without all of that awkward peer-to-peer eye contact.

4. Use wall space for helpful tips. If your students have to constantly interrupt their writing flow to ask questions about how to start their essays or how to support their claims, they’re going to waste valuable writing time. Instead, take advantage of your classroom wall space to post examples of essay hooks and evidence.

There’s not magic fix for making writing easy, but a helpful classroom setup can go a long way toward helping middle-school students focus. Email me at with any questions!

5. Encourage breaks. If your students are feeling overwhelmed, it's important to encourage them to take breaks. Try bringing in a water cooler as a practical excuse for your students to quietly stand up, walk to the back of the classroom, get a drink, refocus, and come back ready to work.

6. Encourage positive self-talk. It's normal for students to feel overwhelmed or anxious when writing essays. Help them combat these negative feelings by encouraging positive self-talk. You can use the dry-erase board or projector at the front of the room to display an encouraging quote or positive affirmation that reminds them of how smart and capable you know they are. A little boost of confidence can go a long way in helping students produce their best work.

Writing essays doesn't have to be a dreaded task for your middle school students. With a few simple tips and tricks, you can create a calm and inspiring atmosphere that makes writing more comfortable and more productive. Help them get organized, encourage positive self-talk, and create a space that supports focus and concentration. Your students will thank you for it!


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